GIRLS winner Carmen Conzalez Lo-A-Njoe • Par
BOYS winner Oscar Holm • -20
GIRLS winner Carmen Conzalez Lo-A-Njoe • Par
BOYS winner Oscar Holm • -20
Noa van Beek • +4
Carmen Gonzalez Lo-A-Njoe • PAR
Marieke Ebens • +6
Scott Woltering • -18
Bob van Beeck • -7
Bjorn Driessen • -15
Henk ten Cate • Hole 16
Talking about the tournament and the Dutch players
Amen Corner, the 3 holes that make or break your score
The final flight starring
Oscar Holm
Andreas Foght
Noa van Beek
Talking about the DJO, our formers winners at the British Open and more...
Atthaya Thitikul about her time at the Dutch Junior open and a message to all the young girls
Anne-Sterre den Dunnen about last year and her upcoming events
Dewi-Claire Schreefel won the Dutch Junior Open 5 times and is now headcoach of the Netherlands. She talkes about the Dutch Junior Open!
On hole 16 you can watch the players play the par 3. OK has set up a bar and is inviting you for a drink. Especially friday and saturday will be a lot of fun here.
Breaking course record on day 1, on day 2 he hits -9 again, putting him first with -18!
With an iron 6 Julian Jacobs hits a hole in one on day 1! Great job!
What an amazing start of the first round for Oscar Holm. He finishes --9 and breaks our course record with 63. This record will stay forever as our hole 15 will change this year. Great job Oscar!
We have a great stimp in the morning already of 10.6!
We are so proud at our greenkeepers!
On wednesdaymorning at 5.45 we joined our great greenkeepers for a round of work. Not just watching, but helping out with the hole replacing at the indication of the referees. Thank you greenkeepers, for making our course so amazing!
On tuesday we had a wonderful AmAm with our sponsors and their guests.
We thank Culinice for the food and drinks and OK Nederland for the OK bar.
Click here for the full report and pictures.
On monday evening we went playing golf with press and influencers. Amongst them there was golf.nl, actor/tv host/DJ Winston Post, golf influencer swingwithjana, topgolf photographer Edwin Vermaas - Approach the Green, golf enthousiast Peter Brunings - former soccerplayer and Jurriaan Gorissen from Cobra/Puma.
We thank our sponsors for this event; Bollinger Champagne, Restaurant Uijttewaal and Cobra.
Monday afternoon by the initiative of Arno Rademaker, Toxandria Golf Club was part of the official GvoorG competition, a Dutch tournament for people with a mental or physical disability. They very much enjoyed the course. Thank you Arno, for making it happen! On the picture Jurgen from OK, namesponsor of the tournament, congratulating the winners.
Lode van Elsacker & Rijk van Boxsel qualified for the tournament during the monday qualifiers!
OK Netherlands welcomes all players and visitors to the OK Dutch Junior Open!
The monday qualifiers started this morning at 8AM. Battling for the last two spots this week.
Today we had our kick-off meeting with our volunteers. We thank all volunteers in advance for all their effort en enthousiasm!
We are excited to announce that we have the most countries participating ever! We have over 140 sign-ups, but only 120 spots, so the players who did not got in will battle on Monday Qualifiers for the last spot!
Former participant Lynn van der Sluis will not be playing the Dutch Junior Open as she is playing the Ladies Tour during that week. We did have an interview with here about her time at the event!
Sign-up is closed!
Playing the Dutch Open right now, Joost looks back at his youth time at the Dutch Junior Open.
About the NK 2024 and the Dutch Junior Open
About his career and experience at the Dutch Junior Open
About Dutch Talent and his experience at the Dutch Junior Open
At the Dutch Junior Open we have Top Youth Players from all over the world! Look at our field!
We talked to Darius van Driel at the Soedal Open this year why you should enter as a player, come and visit and a little perspective about the Soudal Open 2024!
The Championship is open to amateur golfers of all nationalities. Entrants must be born on or after 1 January 2002 and must have a handicap of 5.0 (girls) or 3.0 (boys) or less. Entry closes on 1 July 2024, 17:00 CET.
Former players tell you all about why you should play the Dutch Junior Open at Golfclub Toxandria!
With the Boys, the scores were still even at the beginning of the day, so they played offensive golf. The winner was Matthew Dodd-Berry from England, with -11! What a great performance!
Among the Girls, the scores at the start of Day 4 were more apart, making Anne-Sterre den Dunnen the deserved winner of the OK Dutch Junior Open after after a final round in -3, 69 strokes.
OK has been contributing to the top golf tournament for youth amateurs from all over Europe for several years now. From May 2022, OK will even be the main and name sponsor of the Dutch Junior Open golf tournament.
The OK Junior Open (previously known as Dutch Junior Open) has had a tradition of international youth golf since 1984 at GC Toxandria in Molenschot near Breda. The event is the result of a collaboration between Toxandria golf club, the organizing committee, the club's volunteers, sponsors, a great greenkeeping team and the NGF.